Summer Stylin' | Tabby


as summer is in full spring (lol who am I kidding, a coat was VERY necessary the other day) I want to ditch the hundreds of layers and be able to chuck a blazer or cardi on over a thin top.

with the weather not being too horrific this weekend, I seized the chance for an outfit post. I am in no way a fashion guru but I thought it might be fun to show you what sort of thing I like to wear.

my mum and I were buying boring school clothing from Marks and Sparks, when we went to pay and I walked past this and just HAD to try it on, I knew i'd love it from the second I saw it. you can wear it with jeans for a casual everyday look or spice it up for a time when you go out (fyi, I rarely leave the house so it's more of a casual affair for me, lool)

this jeans have survived a helluva lot. I've had them for sooo long and they used to be my mums, so they've been well loved. topshop jeans are my favee, they're so comfy. initially coming with no holes in, they have worn down a lot and I unfortunately stuck my hand straight through them, meaning they have a peculiar thigh hole (new trend?!), anyway if you're searching for the perfect jean, I would recommend topshop, as although they are v pricey, they are sooo worth it!

these are my favourite earrings, I never used to like hoops, feeling they could look tacky but I've changed my mind, I love them. being super simplistic you can wear other jewellery without looking like you robbed accessorize (or primark for my former very naïve-hoop-hating self). definitely a smaller pair is recommended for school as I got asked to take these ones out by a supply who doesn't work at my school, lool. but, of course, I did ;)

white converse are a staple in many peoples wardrobes, they're super comfy and look great with almost every outfit! I saw these pretty daisies and had to stop to take a photo with them - how cute are they?
as previously mentioned, my kanken is my faaaave. It is just so gorgeous. you can fit so much in it so it is brilliant for travelling.
I hope your weekend was amazing, and your make your Monday terrific!
Love as always,
Tabby x

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  1. you're literally the cutest thing, I LOVE YOUR CLOTHES

  2. This whole outfit is lovely and you're so pretty! x


  3. creds to me and george for that bomb photography


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