How to survive school... maybe!!


Hiya everybody! I decided to sit down and not write something to do with makeup as some people aren't into makeup - so as you can see by the title I'm writing or should I say attempting to write a "how to survive school" post.

School can be a very daunting time, whether you're in year 5 or you're in year 11. School is full of scary and amazing moments, there will ALWAYS be bad days but the majority of your school days are amazing - cheesy or what?!?!  As cheesy as it sounds it's true, you'll meet new friends learn new things and have a laugh.

One of the things I've learnt is to keep your true friends close, throughout your life you'll meet hundreds, thousands of people, a good number of these people will enter your life and leave sooner or later. But you'll always no matter who you are, where you live, what others think of you have that one (or maybe more) friend(s) who will be there for you, who will care about you. who won't care if it's late at night but you need advice on something, they will just be there. These are the people you need to focus on, ignore the other people with a fake friendship groups because as long as you have that one supportive friend that's all you need!

Ignore anyone who says a mean or rude comment to you as they are also a kid dealing with their own problems, if it's just the one rude comment then ignore it the person is obviously having some sort of crisis, whether it was their cat was sick on their homework or they themselves got called something, I'm not justifying this behavior but retaliating is adding more fuel to the fire. If these mean comments carry on then this could be classed as bullying, if you are being bullied then please please please find it in you to tell someone as this person could be bullying other people as well as you. Bullying is a very serious matter and it really needs to stop, so if you know someone who's being bullied then confidentially tell a teacher or an adult you trust, even if it's a teaching assistant they can try and get you help. If you yourself are being bullied talking will help, tell a friend, an adult you trust or a teacher! Also remember you are loved and perfect in your own way <3

Do not ever leave your homework till the last minute - this is particularly difficult for me haha. It's so easy to say but less easier to do especially if you're a pro procrastinator. Homework can be one of those things people like or hate - I'm pretty sure most people don't like it but you always get that one person in the class to ask for homework or to remind the teacher about the homework you've been given a few weeks ago that you have conveniently forgotten to do. The best way to get your homework done is to turn off all tempting electronics and sit down and do your homework the day you get it, I find putting on some music quietly helps me out!

I am going to leave this post here for today - I hope you enjoyed this and I will be uploading a part two if this is popular!
I really hope this helped you out even if it's only helped a little!
I hope you enjoyed and if you're meant to be doing homework - go and do it :) 
See you all soon
Tabs x x

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  1. This was an amazing post Tabby! 💗xxx

  2. This was a great post! Just found your blog after you commented on mine and I love it x
    Cookiemonster x


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