Changing | Tabby


Over time, things change. People change. Tastes change. Styles change.
Recently, I myself have changed. I no longer think having 20 friends is the only way I will be happy and the only way my world will spin round. I no longer think I have to live my life being 'cool' and 'popular' for people to like me.
Change is good, it could be what is separating you from your happiness. It may just be changing the time you get up in the morning. It does not have to be anything drastic.

My personal changes have varied, from large to small but all affect me. I thought I would share some with you all.

Friends: tricky subject for most teenage girls and boys. Even though I am over half way through high school, I still know friendship is a tricky subject for many people. In life, arguments are inevitable unless you lock yourself away from all human kind, and anything that could cause an argument (which sounds like bliss when you're trapped in a classroom of what feels like screaming pterodactyls).
Having 1 or 2 friends who you know you can trust is 100 times better than having 15 who will bitch about you behind your back and be nice to your face - now that is horrific. I have got to a point where I know who I can trust, and who I don't think I want to know that secret including the swimming pool, oops!!

Music: I used to be into pop music, but could never find someone I was really into, and one day, I fell into a dark hole of youtube, and found Panic! At The Disco, I write sins not tragedies. I had heard people talk about them before and thought, meh, what have I got to lose? I instantly loved it, I remember listening to it on repeat for a few days. I then thought 'I haven't listened to their other music' and this was where my love for panic! embarked. I have just ordered a shirt with Brendon Uries face on it, obsession going too far? I do not think so.
While getting into p!atd, I discovered other bands, like fall out boy, twenty one pilots, my chemical romance. Initially I thought, no, I will never be an emo. I refuse to listen to fob or mcr, they are scary!!! Boy, was I wrong. I love them, also.
 Emo shouldn't be a word used to stereotype a group of people with. I admit, I would use it in a negative way, thinking all 'emos' were scary when I was younger. But we are all the same, we vary, yes, but if we all liked the same thing that would be boring. It is OKAY to be different. Just because you like a band which scream in their songs, you wear thick eyeliner, you don't wear makeup at all, does NOT mean you can be looked down at, judged, laughed at, stigmatised. You are the same as that person who has a passion for classical music, your likes just differ. That isn't a bad thing. Embrace your differences, you are you. Be the best you possibly can.

 Makeup & hair: this is not a massive change in my life, but it is still a change. I always used to think long hair was the thang for me, but since I have cut my hair short, I realised, long hair is most definitely not my 'thang'. If you're not feeling your hair, try a hair cut. It could be what you need to get your self loving back on track.
Now, I never wanted to go out without my makeup on, I still do not but I feel more comfortable in my own skin. Feeling comfortable in your skin is so important, and it saddens me so much when people say self love is bigheaded and silly, as it really isn't. It is SO important. Self love should be romanticised, not seen as vain. Please, if you take one thing from this post, promote self love. Love yourself, love your flaws because they are what makes you, you, and you are amazing.
On that happy note, see you soon.
Much love, Tabby x

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  1. Loved this Tabby. I agree with everything you said here, im so happy you're happy!! Xx

    1. That is so kind of you, thank you. I hope you have a good day x

  2. this was lovely xx


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