

on the 23rd of September Autumn officially started, its a few days past that now. So, we can officially celebrate Autumn! *does an Autumn dance?!?*

(not my picture)
Autumn is one of my favourite seasons, one because it gives you a reason to stay inside and not be socialable because 'it gets dark earlier ;)' and two because HALLOWEEN and also Dan and Phil bring out some pretty awesome videos in October, I especially love their 'spooky week' videos, they do provide you with a bit of a lol! Autumn also mean pretty leaves, good photo opportunities, wearing 47368 cosy jumpers and lots of comfy socks! You can also drink loads of hot chocolate and coffee without being questioned, which is always a plus xD
I love Halloween, not the trick or treating part, as I'm a tad too old for that now, but just the atmosphere. A book I'm currently reading made me look at Halloween from a different perspective. I cannot remember the exact quotes but it was something along the lines of Halloween allows you to be who you want to be and to not be judged, you can hide behind a mask and no one will know it's you. A quick brief on the book 'wonder' is, a young boy named August, has clefts palette and its talking about him joining school, I haven't finished it yet but its definitely a book I would recommend! I think this book is really eye opening! And teaches you to be grateful for what you have.
although September is the back to school month, lets just push that to the side. September also means, nearly Christmas, and nearly Halloween, my two favourite celebrations. I also love the cold weather as it means you can snuggle up in bed early with a mug of tea and a good film!!
see you all soon
Tabs x

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