Trip To Bath


Bath has always been a place I’ve longed to visit, the gorg sand coloured buildings, lots of shops -!!-, the baths themselves and obvs the photo opportunities. So when we were visiting my grandparents in the West Country we seized our moment to visit Bath.

It lived up to my expectations, the buildings and scenery were so beaut and there was about two of every shop. I was in heaven.

Sometimes you can dream of somewhere, expecting it to be like the fairyland you see on the internet and when you get there, it’s a bit of a disappointment but this was not the case with Bath. Even the train station boasted magnificent buildings and scenery (bar the work going on at the actual station lol)

We popped into bills for lunch and although pretty irrelevant to Bath, they do a mean chocolate brownie,, oooo man.

My fave thing definitely was that every street you turned down looked like a pinterest board. Will deffo return.

Whats your favourite city?

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