How to stay happy | part one ♡


Hello everyone,
i just want to apologise for the fact I really do not have a system for blogging (if ya get what i mean) I just blog because it's something I enjoy as I've said about 38427 times but I just like to blog at any random times.
Back to todays post! I think the most important thing in life is to be happy, if you're not happy then life can be a bit, well, horrible. Staying positive when you know your life sucks a bit is great, it'll really make you happier. But as much as we all try to stay happy we can't constantly be happy and in my opinion being constantly happy would get very repetitive after a while and we need unhappy times to make us who we are and develop us as humans. The best feeling in my opinion is happiness, and feeling content with life, I also think gratitude is a lovely feeling to express as it makes others happy!

(this isn't my picture, all credit goes to the rightful owner)

I think spending time with people you love and people who care about you is a great way to stay happy, not only will they make you laugh and smile they will most likely compliment you and make you feel good about yourself. surrounding yourself around people who make you feel good about yourself will make you increasingly happy as who doesn't love a good chuckle with friends and family! If you surround yourself with people who make you feel insecure and unhappy, then you'll begin showing it, not just with the things you say but how you look, showing your emotions and your physical appearance can begin to drop, leaving you looking dragged down.

Focus on the good things. This is probably the easiest one to say but the trickiest one to do (for me anyway) but I have a few tips to make you focus one these things. One of them is write these things down, even if it's something small like a time when your friend compliments you or something big like meeting your favourite celebrity! Also pop fun things you have done on a calendar and look back at them when you are down!

Another is to keep smiling, I smile when I'm sad or panicky and I'm not making this up it seriously cheers me up and completely turns my mood around, leaving me jolly and skipping around. Okay maybe not skipping but it certainly makes me feel a lot cheerier!

The final thing is to listen to music which makes you happy or cheers you up or relaxes you, I listen to Happy by Pharell Williams, I usually find this song quite boring or annoying but when I'm sad it really cheers me up for some reason, leaving me dancing and singing around!

If you would like to see a part two or you would like me to turn this into a sort of series then comment!

What do you do to stay happy?
Tabs x x

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  1. Hey!
    These are some good tips! I'll be sure to try them x

    I've also nominated you for the Music Shuffle Challenge. Go check out my recent post for more details. Thanks. Ily!

    Keep Smiling!
    InnerSmile xxx

    1. thank-you! I'll come and have a look!! lyt.
      Tabs x x

  2. Hi
    Really nice tips, I'll definitely try them x

    I've nominated you for the 'Tag your it' Blogger interview tag. Go see my recent post for more details?
    Ty and ily! x

    Cookie ~ x

  3. Wow! I just discovered your blog and I already love it! This is such a good post and I will be sure to try them :)xx
    - Laura x


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